Back Pain

8 Ergonomics Aids for Standing at Work

We’re hearing a lot about the dangers of sitting too much. You’re cutting off your circulation, developing horrible posture, and increasing your risk of various chronic diseases. Standing more seems the obvious solution. But those of us who stand for long periods know that standing comes with its own set of problems–like back pain. Could changing how you stand 8 Ergonomics Aids for Standing at Work

Tips to Reduce Your Risk of a Herniated Disc

Having a herniated disc can cause soreness, tingling and other symptoms that impact your day-to-day activities. This problem occurs when the soft inner part of one of your spinal discs pushes through the outer area. In some cases, this can end up irritating nerves in the affected area, which can cause pain and numbness. Your Tips to Reduce Your Risk of a Herniated Disc

How to Reduce Lower Back Pain Without Prescriptions

Back pain, specifically in the lower back, is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor, apart from cold or flu infections. However, lower back pain can be caused by a number of different issues, many of which may even overlap. It’s often difficult to treat and prescription medication can leave a How to Reduce Lower Back Pain Without Prescriptions

Best Sleeping Positions for Back Pain

Did you know that 65 million US adults have recently reported back pain? While back pain can certainly be the result of backbreaking labor or an injury, another culprit you may not expect may be causing or making your back pain worse. Among them, the way you sleep. So if you are experiencing back pain, one of Best Sleeping Positions for Back Pain

5 Tips to Prevent Back Pain While Driving

There are many activities that can put stress on the spine and lead to back pain. Driving might not be one that you readily think of, but the truth is that driving for a prolonged length of time may lead to back pain. According to one study, 59% of professional truck drivers experience lower back 5 Tips to Prevent Back Pain While Driving

5 Neck Stretches to Beat “Text Neck”

“Text neck” is a term that refers to the posture created by leaning forward over a mobile device for lengthy periods of time. Text neck has been linked to shoulder and neck pain, headaches, stiffness, limited mobility, and difficulty sleeping. Here are 5 neck stretches that will help you relieve text neck. 1. Exaggerated Nod Nod 5 Neck Stretches to Beat “Text Neck”

Tips for Treating and Preventing a Shoulder Dislocation

A shoulder dislocation can cause severe discomfort, swelling and other symptoms that might affect your everyday life. Without proper treatment, symptoms might get worse or complications might occur, such as muscle tears and nerve damage. Knowing more about shoulder dislocation treatment can help you understand your options better. The following tips can also help you Tips for Treating and Preventing a Shoulder Dislocation

Treatment Options for Scoliosis

Scoliosis refers to a curvature in the spine, which can cause discomfort and other symptoms, such as an uneven appearance. Some cases of scoliosis that only involve a mild curvature might not require any treatment. However, a moderate or severe spinal curvature might need to be treated in order to prevent it from getting worse. Treatment Options for Scoliosis

Simple Ways to Relieve Back Pain

For many, back pain is the new normal. In 2010, the Global Burden of Disease reported low back pain as the number one cause of disability worldwide. Back issues account for a large proportion of missed work days and doctor visits. Fortunately, there is hope. From exercise to ergonomics, there are many ways to help Simple Ways to Relieve Back Pain

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